Awaken the goddess within… unlock your sexual energy (your life-force energy) and begin living a more magical existence. This retreat is designed specifically for women who have blocked sexual energy - never orgasmed or feel shame/guilt around intimacy. In this women-lead, safe space, we will help you release any conscious / unconscious blocks you have towards your feminine sexual energy. As blockages are released in your energetic body - your life force energy is free to express itself more fully. As a result, you will be able to engage with life more wholeheartedly. Once the blocks have been released we will explore conscious dreaming and manifesting to create the life you want to live.

Interact, engage, explore, create, dream, and manifest like never before!

Get ready for:

Fear & Trauma Releasing

What you resist persists. What you look at disappears. As humans, when we experience emotional pain or trauma we try to look the other way and pretend that it never happened. We believe that if we do not acknowledge it, then it never happened. But what we are really doing is storing that pain in our cells for our entire lifetime. We close our hearts, consciously or unconsciously, to protect us from ever feeling that pain again. Yet, by bringing awareness to that pain and meeting it with vulnerability and allowing those emotions to come out, you can shift that pain from your system forever. Our instructors will guide your through the process and with divine guidance they will help you pull to the surface and release that which is no longer serving you. So that you can truly step into the fullness of life free from fear or past pains.

Yoni Massage

Yoni is the Sanskrit word for the female genitalia and it translates to “a sacred space.” A yoni massage approaches the vagina as a revered part of the body, worthy of respect and honor. We will be teaching you to give yourself a yoni massage and if you are ready you may elect to have a yoni massage performed by one of our instructors. A lot of emotional pain and trauma is stored in the yoni. By connecting with your yoni, in a loving embrace, we are allowing the release of that pain to happen. We will guide you in working through any emotions that come up and our instructions will help you to move through those pains and/or traumas. This is a sensual massage, however it is not about sex, the purpose is to allow you to feel more comfortable with your body, heal from any stored pain, and understand what feels good to you. The yoni, the center of our bodies is a source of immense feminine energy and power. These massages will help you to reconnect with you inner divine feminine.

Yoni Eggs

Yoni Eggs are beautiful, carved semi precious stone that are worn inside the vagina. These eggs have been used for centuries to awaken sexuality, access sexual power, and maintain health into old age. They were used by empresses and concubines of the Royal Palace of China over 5000 years ago, where the yoni was worshiped for bestowing life, creativity and love. In many parts of the world, we have neglected the reverence and appreciation that the yoni deserves, but by reclaiming your vagina as a “sacred space” you are reclaiming the creative power that this magical part of your body holds. This ancient sacred tool can be used for spiritual transformation, as you reconnect with your yoni, your body, and ultimately yourself. Practicing with a yoni egg brings awareness to your sexual organs by engaging the muscles of the vagina and pelvic floor. As you train any muscle in the body more nerve endings develop. Similarly, as you train your yoni more never endings and sensitivity develop. What this means, on a physical level, is pre-childbirth states of elasticity and suppleness can be restored or even surpassed, natural lubrication can be achieved at any age, libido and sensuality can be increased, and vaginal muscles can be consciously controlled to thrill your lover.


Worldwide, many women have difficulties experiencing orgasms, due to disconnection from their bodies, trauma, negative emotions that have been stored in yoni tissues, religious and cultural beliefs that oppress sexuality, distorted perceptions of self, fear and abandonment, real or perceived. Through the yoni massages, yoni eggs, fear and trauma releasing, you will be able to release the weights that you have been carrying for so long. Thus allowing you to start experience the you that You Really Are. Through this reconnection with self you’ll be able to truly embrace all that you are - including your divine sexuality. By allowing yourself the right to be free, there is no limit to what you can experience. Orgasms, sure. Multiple orgasms, why not?

Breath & Energy Orgasms

You will learn to move oxygen and energy through your body for a deeply healing and enlightening sexual meditation. Where every part of your body surges with waves of sexual pleasure, allowing you to feel the connection between breath, emotion, energy, and pleasure. We will assist you in broadening your concept of what an orgasm. Yes, we will definitely explore orgasms as a sexual climax attained by the stimulation of the yoni and other erogenous zones! Yet, in the breathe and energy orgasms we will explore how to release tension, how to expand energy flowing through the body/mind and how to connect to the spirit. And we will explore ways of combing it all in physical, energetic, and spiritual orgasms!

Life-Force Energy Movement & Self Awareness

As you begin understanding and celebrating your divinity you will begin to step into the You That You Are. You are magnificent, you are wonderful, and you are divine. As we work together to consciously choose love over fear at every incidence, in every thought, you will step in to the vastness that you were created to be, the divine being that you intuitively know that you are, but somehow forgot. The world as we know it is based in fear. Every single free thought that we make arises out of one of only two possibilities: fear or love. All negativity and limitations that we experience or believe about ourselves are based in fear or derivatives of that fear. As we consciously choose love and embrace our divinity we become fully aware of Who We Really Are. It is through this self awareness that allows us to tap into our life force and connects us to All That Is.

Connecting to your Emotions

This is about honoring yourself and learning to speak your truth. No one is going to become a Buddha overnight, where nothing or no one affects you, and we don’t expect you to. That will come in time, if you so desire. But the biggest step right now is learning to speak your truth and express yourself when something or someone causes you hurt or pain. We will explore non-violent communication styles. Yet, at the root of everything it’s about allowing yourself to feel all the feels. Accept them, as they are with no judgement, because they are who you are right now - honor that, honor your Self.

Self Love & Affirmations

We’re going to help you release those misconceptions that you have believed about yourself your entire life, enabling you to step into the truth of Who You Really Are. To the point where these words are no longer just words to you, but they are the truth about Who You Really Are: I am perfect, I am wonderfully made, my body is amazing, I am love, I am capable of anything. Which you are!

Dreaming & Visioning / Manifesting Your Dreams

By now we’ve worked through any pain, fear, or blocks that have been holding you back and you are beginning to see Who You Really Are. Now its time to have some fun and create the life you want to live! The possibilities are endless - you can be whoever you want to be, do whatever you want to do, and live however you want to live. We’re going to show you exactly how to manifest the life of your dreams. Its time to get intentional and tap into your divinity!

She remembered who she was and the game changed!

Retreats start on Mondays & Fridays, available October - June

4 Day 3 Night Goddess Retreat

  • Deluxe Beach Bungalow - Goddess Retreat

    4 Day 3 Night Goddess Retreat
    Made with local hardwoods and handcrafted decorations, these large rooms open up to beautiful views of the ocean. Each room has a queen sized mattress and lounge chairs. All meals and activities included.
    $ 777 For 4 day 3 nights
    1-2 people (Retreats start on Mondays & Fridays)
  • Small Beach Bungalow - Goddess Retreat

    4 Day 3 Night Goddess Retreat
    Beautifully made with hardwood floors, this small hexagon room is located right on the beach. The roof has a skylight for viewing stars at night. All meals and activities included.
    $ 599 For 4 days 3 Nights
    1 person (Retreats start on Mondays & Fridays)
  • Open Air Tent - Goddess Retreat

    4 Day 3 Night Goddess Retreat
    The open air beach beds provide the perfect space for stargazing ✨. As we’re located far from the city the night sky is full of countless stars. Enjoy the beauty of nature from your bedroom. All meals and activities included.
    $ 555 For 4 days and 3 nights
    For 1 person (Retreats start on Mondays and Fridays)
  • Teepee - Goddess Retreat

    4 Day 3 Night Goddess Retreat
    These teepees provide a small private space right on the beach. Each teepee has a double bed. All meals and activities included.
    $ 555 For 4 days and 3 nights
    1 person (Retreats start on Mondays & Friday)